Chew on This!
By Brenda Jaeck Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Counselor
Chewing is an important part of proper nutrition. If we don’t chew our food
thoroughly we can not digest our food properly; if we don’t completely digest our
food it creates many issues for the body.
The digestion process starts in the mouth. Chewing breaks down food and also
initiates the release of digestive enzymes. If we are swallowing our food whole
or barely chewed the digestion system has to work so much harder.
Proper chewing can aid in reducing incidences of indigestion. And, can assist in
resolving elimination issues.
Chewing thoroughly also allows us to eat more slowly – this creates space in the
meal to enjoy it, actually taste the food and even savor it. By slowing down this
process it will also help us eat less. This is true because it takes longer, giving
us more time to realize we are full AND we can garner more nutrients from the
food we eat. If we can more fully utilize the nutrients in the food we eat we can
be nourished with fewer calories.
To check your current chewing skills do an experiment – try chewing a piece of
food as you normally would. Count the number of times you chew it before
swallowing it.
Then take the same amount of the same food and attempt to
double the number of chews before swallowing. For most people, with a little
focus, it is not too difficult. This is a SURE sign you are not chewing your food
thoroughly enough. Your food should be liquefied before swallowing it.
Moral of the story – a making a simple change like being more conscious of
chewing habits can make a big difference in the digestion, assimilation and
elimination of the food you eat. Every little bit helps.
Brenda Jaeck is a Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Counselor, Lecturer and
Workshop Facilitator. She can be contacted at 917 213 9305 or
brenda@seedstochange.com. For more information visit her website at